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Resource Center

Since 1966, Historic Tuscaloosa has collected and preserved centuries of history and continues to document Tuscaloosa’s unique contribution to our national narrative. Historic Tuscaloosa keeps and preserves significant collections of artifacts, documents, and properties. It supports, generates, and collects knowledge on the history of Tuscaloosa County and its place in American history. Historic Tuscaloosa also develops and delivers a variety of educational programs — exhibits, tours, lectures, publications, and other formats — to convey information and open dialogs with the public about our history.

What is a historic resource? 

A historic resource is any resource (a building, structure, object, or site) that has importance to the past for association with important history, culture, or design. These places can be individually recognized, or could be a concentration of places known as an "Historic District." Buildings and other resources that help tell the story of an historic district are considered "contributing" to that district and are integral pieces of the larger historic story. 


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