Membership is open to anyone interested in historical preservation. A person who is current in payment of membership dues is a voting member. Honorary membership is a title that may be conferred upon any person, with the approval of the Board of Directors, who should receive special recognition for valued service in the preservation of Tuscaloosa County’s heritage. Honorary membership is non-voting.
Annual Meeting - The August general meeting of the organization shall be known as the Annual Meeting.
Student and regular memberships entitle the member to free tours of all structures, free admission to lectures, first access to our sponsored events, and a copy of the yearly newsletter, The Preservationist.
Junior Century Club and Century Club memberships entitle the member(s) to the same privileges as regular membership as well as discounts on the use of any structures for events, an invitation to the Century Club party, and priority access to Rambles.
Sustaining and Grand Benefactor memberships entitle the member(s) to the same privileges as Century Club membership as well as special recognition which may be in the form of a gift.
Legacy Membership entitles the member(s) to the same privileges as Grand Benefactor memberships as well as gifts or recognition as determined by the Board.
Membership renewals are due and payable at the start of the fiscal year. Membership letters will be mailed in September.
A member in good standing must be current in payment of membership dues.
Student Membership
$20 per person, per year
Student memberships entitle the members to free tours of all structures, free admission to lectures, access to sponsored events, and a copy of the yearly newsletter, The Preservationist. This membership is only for High school students, undergraduate, or graduate students enrolled full-time for credit in an institution of higher education.
Support our Mission
Our mission is to develop an awareness and appreciation of the historical and cultural heritage of Tuscaloosa County. We are a non-profit that operates based on grants, gifts, and the support of our community. If you are unable to participate as a member, but would like to support our cause, donations can be made at the link below.