2024 – 2025
President: Shawn Wyatt
Vice-President / President-Elect: Evans Fitts
Secretary: Susan Huffman
Treasurer: James Brazil
Parliamentarian: Cal Wilson
Past President: Pam Marshall
2024 – 2025
Fred Andrus
Marc Brakefield
Glenna Brown
Chaslee Coleman
Gabrielle Cruz-Uribe
Linda Ford
Serena Fortenberry
Claire Friday
Charles Gerdau
Courtney Gora
Marty Hamner
Brock Jones
Sherry Jones
Amy Matthews
Joanne Miles
Paul Moreton
Yolanda Page
Frances Pool
Judi Rabel
Ruby Simon
Angie Sterling
Elizabeth Wyatt
Regular Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month except July and December. Depending on the year, the March board meeting gets moved to the 4th Thursday due to spring break. The meetings begin at 5:30 pm and are routinely held at the Jemison Mansion.
The annual meeting, to which all members of Historic Tuscaloosa (HT) are invited, is held in August.
Members serve three-year terms and may serve two such consecutive terms. Following a one-year rotation off the Board, an individual may be eligible again for election.
There is no automatic renewal after a three-year term.
Members of the Board are expected to:
Hold membership in Historic Tuscaloosa at the Century Club level or above.
Attend 70% of monthly meetings:
“A Board member with three (3) unexcused absences from regularly called meetings of the Board during a twelve-month period shall cease to be a member of the Board.”(Bylaws, Article VII, Section 7.01., C)
Attend the annual general membership meeting in August.
Actively participate on a Board committee.
Support all Historic Tuscaloosa events financially and through attendance.