Our Organization
Since 1966, Historic Tuscaloosa has been preserving and promoting Tuscaloosa County’s historic resources. As a non-profit organization, our mission is to develop an awareness and appreciation of our community's historical and cultural heritage.
Our organization has enjoyed steady growth over the years and is recognized as one of the strongest preservation groups in the Southeast.
Our Objectives
Specific objectives of Historic Tuscaloosa include:
To seek to educate all citizens of the county about its heritage;
To collect, organize, and catalog information and materials related to local heritage;
To encourage tourism by arranging and organizing tours and pilgrimages;
Maintaining information files regarding the heritage of our community
To encourage and participate in the identification and preservation of old homes, buildings, and historic sites throughout Tuscaloosa County and to promote the use and appreciation of these assets;
To involve local governments, educational institutions, and other organizations in specific projects promoting the purpose of Historic Tuscaloosa.
Our Vision
Our vision is for the Tuscaloosa County community to understand and appreciate the irreplaceable value of historic buildings and places and their relevance to modern life and recognize the economic and cultural benefits of preservation. We envision communities where new development complements and reinforces thriving downtowns and our historic neighborhoods
Our Members
Our members are what keep Historic Tuscaloosa alive. Members donate their time and efforts to help us preserve our historical sites.
Our members enjoy free tours of all Historic Tuscaoosa structures, free admission to lectures, and premier access to our sponsored events, such as our annual homes tours, fundraisers, member-only parties, and our yearly Ramble trip.
We would love to have you as a member of the Historic Tuscaloosa!
Historic Tuscaloosa staff operates and maintains five historic landmarks :
Old Tavern

Battle-Friedman House

Jemison-Van de Graaff Mansion

Murphy-Collins House

McGuire-Strickland House

On March 24th, 1966, in the auditorium of the Alabama Power Company Building on Broad Street, the citizens present voted unanimously to adopt a resolution incorporating the Tuscaloosa County Preservation Society.
The Tuscaloosa County Preservation Society was born in 1966 from a committee during a study regarding possibly moving and saving the old Tavern, which was then deemed to be torn down. After many meetings, letters consulting with National Trust of. Historic preservation was voted at a meeting being held at the residence of the then senator. And Mrs. Bill McCain to incorporate and pursue preservation of the old Tavern. The first event, planned and sponsored by the Tuscaloosa County Preservation Society, was an open house one Sunday afternoon at three empty rundown houses after a special one-hour radio and TV program. With tremendous community interest shown from the event, the committee had confidence that the old Tavern could be saved by relocation. At the same time, the group launched efforts to raise money to relocate the old Tavern. The Preservation Society sought and obtained endorsements from local governing bodies for historic preservation efforts and initiated a survey of important historic landmarks in this area.
By mid-1966. The society had obtained approval from the University and City of Tuscaloosa to relocate the old Tavern to Capitol Park and had almost enough money to initiate this historic move. After a contract was signed with B&C Company to dismantle and move the old Tavern, there were months of waiting because of weather and utility line clearance. Finally, on one very cold Sunday morning in December 1966, this move took place. The Preservation Society was then on its way to doing many things.
The Old Tavern was dedicated October 13th, 1968. This same year, the Preservation Society took a lead and preservation efforts of the Battle-Friedman House now completely restored and a useful structure in the community.
Meet The Faces of Our Organization
Since the organizations inception in 1966, the team at Historic Tuscaloosa has worked tirelessly to promote our cause. We are fortunate to have volunteers and staff from all walks of life who bring their unique expertise and resources into everything we do. This is what enables us to achieve our goals year after year.
Support Our Mission
Our mission is to develop an awareness and appreciation of the historical and cultural heritage of Tuscaloosa County.
We are a non-profit that operates based on grants, gifts, and the support of our community.
If you are unable to participate as a member but would like to support our cause, donations can be made at the link below.